Amy Leigh Robson

Particularly throughout the recent years of my life it has become increasingly apparent that there is a growing lack of honour, inspiration and community among people. Something that struck me particularly was just how detached people, myself included were becoming. My mind map aims to reconnect not only myself but the community I am within. An attempt to reestablish honour in being British, honour in being a young person, in being alive. My mind map is an attempt to invite passion, faith and excitement back into the conversation of life.
Amy Leigh Robson
Hi, I’m Amy,
I am a young woman from the North of England who loves exploring and embracing the beauty of Northumberland. After completing my psychology degree I realised just how easy it is to conceptualise and obsess over wellness, health and happiness. Instead of implementing, or practicing my ideas and beliefs, it appeared I was on a relentless hunt for dopamine. Researching new ideas, methods, tips and strategies to improve. Yet nothing stuck. So my goal currently is to integrate my supposed knowledge, and see what happens.